This week in Ink and Watercolor class we started ink washes! I’m most pleased with how the sheen on the water bottle turned out, but overall I’m pretty pleased with it in general! The grapes were a fun challenge in trying to get the foreground and background grapes all put in in a way that looked natural. And the squirrel’s fur turned out better than I expected! So did the ceramic bird. I surprised myself as that shape and form started emerging with the ink washes.
I still have a lot to learn with regards to scale. The little cup in front of the ink bottle turned out much too small and the candleholder doesn't have much definition. The pear looks pretty wonky and the shading on it is unnatural. I also want to work more on getting the right mixture for my light and dark washes, because it took me way too many passes to get those grapes that dark, and they still aren’t dark enough!
Overall though, I am pleased. I surprised myself which is a good feeling. This week for my homework I am going to focus on working faster, getting the saturation of my wash-mixed dialed in, and continuing to observe tonal values and translating that into wash on paper.