Color Playdays

Fridays-Sundays are my color playdays. And if you know me, you know I *love* rainbows, so this smattering of colors on my desk kept me pretty happy this afternoon!

Today I picked up a new book at the library (Color, by Betty Edwards) which I began reading this morning and am really enjoying so far! Yesterday I was happy to stumble upon the Blog over at Scratchmade Journal and enjoyed reading late into the night followed by some more reading today. That’s where I learned how to make this gorgeous color chart and start getting better acquainted with my palette!

Last weekend I was watching color theory videos on YouTube and this past week my friend Katie made a color chart of her palette for me, which was super helpful in seeing how she works with paint and why she chooses the colors she does. She also gave me tips on making my own color-mix flash cards which I am super keen to do now that I’ve completed this first exercise and can narrow down which color-pairings I want to focus on getting to know better.

Slowly, I’m building up a working knowledge about color. I’m obsessed with color and have always wanted it to be part of my art, but I’ve been quite limited in my understanding of it. But I dream of making a palette that reflects me and my personal style. I don’t even know what my style will become yet, so I’m learning all I can about color and paint. I’m playing with the set I’ve got and I’m taking a couple of watercolor workshops in the fall. My goal is to start my first custom palette in the first quarter of next year. *I’m so excited.*