Currently I am obsessed with drawing trees. I've been sitting on this for a few months, letting it gel in my head and waiting to see how it would manifest. Meanwhile I've been collecting a few photographic specimens on my springtime walks, and now these abstract trees, studies in shape and form and texture are all I've worked on for days.
Yesterday I spent my day on a marker-acrylic-colored pencil piece and started on some sketches for future trees. I'm filling my sketchbook with all sorts of trees and playing with them in a variety of mediums and really enjoying the process.
I've spent some time at the library looking at other illustrators' takes on abstract trees and drawn a lot of inspiration from their beautiful work. I've spent time paying attention to trees I meet on my outings about the city and continue to collect inspiring photos of unique trunks, limb and canopy shapes, and leaves and blossoms. It's divine.
Is there any better kind of research than to study the gorgeous work of others and of nature - the ultimate source - herself?
in Inspiration, Practice