I have a passion for postcards that dates back to probably around age 7 or 8. I mean a true and deep, undeniable, bonafide love for postcards.
It's a treasured ritual of mine to send postcards out to family and friends when I travel. And if you really want to make me feel loved, just send me a postcard from your own travels. Postcards are my love-language! Most recently, postcards have also been my salvation in keeping up with my beloved correspondence even when I've felt stretched thin. They really are the best.
For years I've dreamt of having postcards made from our personal photo collection, and I finally did it!! They've arrived, they are gorgeous, and I'm completely smitten! A few of these are already addressed and ready to be sent on their way, but I had to get a family photo first to commemorate the beauteous achievement of this long-held desire. So many great trips, places and experiences held here in these pretty bits of paper. I can't wait to send these lovelies out into the world!