
an invitation-only online community of creatives


snails are…

  • hungry: the word ‘gastro’ (in gastropod) means ‘stomach’ snails have a hearty and persistent appetite (and up to 25,000 teeth to chomp through their food!)

  • persistent: the word ‘pod’ means ‘foot,’ so named for the muscular foot that allows them to steadily glide towards their desired goal

  • alchemists: they transmute dead and decaying matter into fertile soil for growth.

  • curious explorers: they enjoy stimulation and respond curiously to sensory delights like varied textures, obstacles, and scents

  • social: they often gather in groups to feed and mate, demonstrate social hierarchies, and show evidence of cognitive decline when separated from others of their kind

if you…

  • hunger for creative outlets and become depleted without them…

  • persist in your creative endeavors (or, even if you’ve been paralyzed for some time… the creative thoughts and drive won’t go away)…

  • celebrate the alchemical magic of transmuting raw ideas and materials through the creative process…

  • are curious by nature, enjoy exploring different creative interests and are a life-long-learner…

  • know that creativity flourishes in community and that support and shared knowledge from other creatives is essential…


…then snail-club is for you!